Friday, August 10, 2012

Another Long Time Later

Clearly I have not  improved at the task--or joy--of posting. It has been another six months or so, but today there is a sad tale to tell. Earlyy in the hours of August 9 the house where we began this ministry burned. The good news is that the nine people living there got out, or as the fire chief put it, "exited" the building before anyone got hurt. That is a blessing. Some of them lost some things, but most of their possessions were retrieved soon after the fire.

The News Messenger story is here:

The folks who didn't have family or friends close came to the shelter. We happened to have another house just about ready to rent or sell, so the remainder are in that house or will be there soon.. The plumbers had just that day finished repairing the plumbing. The plumbing had to be repaired because someone cut out most of the copper pipe under the house. So life goes on, and all in all, the whole situation resolved itself rather quickly and smoothly. We all were tired, of course, having been routed out of bed at 1:30 a;m; and remaining awake most of the night, but that also has resolved itself.

The thrift store continues to develop. We had an early sale last weekend, just for a Saturday morning. It was about a hundred degrees that day at that time, so we were pleased that anyone came to the sale. That will probably repeat itself every few weeks. Donations keep coming in, more than our folks can use, so we sell the rest to raise money for the shelter. I now have a little Paypal gadget on my cellphone that enables us to accept credit and debit cards,
With that, I will sign off for the day. The next post will have pictures.