Monday, January 3, 2011

Snow New Year's Resolutions Here

That's right. There's no resolutions here. Just a keeping on trying to get the shelter done. But wait. That is a resolution. So maybe there are some. Progress is happening! We now have water hooked up, toilets functional, heat and a/c working, and several more large items going. We still are working on floor covering, and today the glass company came out and fixed the broken window panes.

For instance, the director's apartment is taking shape. Still needs the outside door installed (brr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), the sheetrock finished, and then the painting, floors, and bathroom installation. That clawfoot bathtub is in place. Good soaking tub. Whoever does that job will need some relaxation. That may be it.

The picture below was taken from the shelter. Far up about three trees from the big tree, you might be able to see the new gas well. We are very thankful for the well, even though we own a very, very tiny percentage of it, because it may be what puts food on the table at the shelter. God is good, all the time, and takes care of us in ways we could never imagine.

 That doesn't mean that we don't need help, because we do, and all help is welcome. We are using some of the plumbing parts that Marshall Hardware donated a while back, and a man down near Ben Wheeler, close to Canton, donated a shower stall and some cabinet tops. It is really neat to either be able to put some of those things together to make something useful, or to watch those more skilled than I do so.

One of these days I will get the PayPal donate button on here, making it easier to send money. Until then, just keep sending it by snail mail.

Happy New Year to you all.

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